Thursday, September 22, 2016

In the beginning

I recently read the first 3 Genesis in the story of how the world was created and I would like to blame God for kicking Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden because he told Eve to not eat the apple from the tree of knowledge. If God didn't want Eve to eat the apple from the tree of knowledge than God should have put the tree of knowledge somewhere else or at least made Adam and Eve smart enough to not be persuaded to eat the apple. If God wanted to make Adam and Eve a replicant or similarity of himself then why did God put the tree of knowledge in the garden of Eden to tempt Eve to eat the apple? Why didn't God try and stop her from eating the apple? God wanted to test them to see if they are worth enough to follow directions so they can stay and not be punished, or maybe God just wanted to punish someone because he felt that it would be fun.

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